Quality in the United States Highway Program

An NPHQ Questionnaire

Email: deeryb@agc.org

Section 1. Quality Principles

Please check the appropriate boxes below to indicate your view as to how each of the following quality principles is trending today in the delivery of highway projects in the United States. Please indicate, in the space provided, the factors that contributed to how you rated the trend for each quality principle (i.e., competing priorities).

Making Quality A Top Priority Appears To Be:

Making Quality a Top Priority




What are the contributors to the increase or decrease of making quality a top priority?
(Please limit your comments to 250 characters.)

Exercising Integrity and Honesty Appears To Be:

Exercising Integrity & Honesty Improving
What are the contributors to the increase or decrease in highway quality resulting from exercising integrity and honesty? (Please limit your comments to 250 characters.)

Encouraging and Rewarding Innovation Appears To Be:

Encouraging & Rewarding Innovation Improving
What are the contributors to the increase or decrease in highway quality resulting from encouraging and rewarding innovations? (Please limit your comments to 250 characters.)
Section 2. Project Delivery Impacts on Highway Quality

Please check the appropriate boxes below to indicate your view of how highway project quality in the United States is being impacted by each of the following elements of the project delivery process (the project delivery element is improving quality, is keeping quality constant, or is decreasing quality). Please indicate, in the space provided below each element, the factors that contributed to your rating of the respective elements of highway project delivery.

Quality Level Appears To Be:

Project Management Improving
What are the contributors to the increase or decrease in highway quality resulting from project management? (Please limit your comments to 250 characters.) 

Quality Level Appears To Be:

Delivery Team Communications
What are the contributors to the increase or decrease in highway quality resulting from open/honest delivery team communications? (Please limit your comments to 250 characters.)

Quality Level Appears To Be:

Procurement/Contracting Methods Improving
What are the contributors to the increase or decrease in highway quality resulting from procurement/contracting methods? (Please limit your comments to 250 characters.)

Quality Level Appears To Be:

Project Planning Improving
What are the contributors to the increase or decrease in highway quality resulting from project planning? (Please limit your comments to 250 characters.)

Quality Level Appears To Be:

Project Design Improving
What are the contributors to the increase or decrease in highway quality resulting from project design?  (Please limit your comments to 250 characters.)

Quality Level Appears To Be:

Materials, Mix Design & Supply Improving
What are the contributors to the increase or decrease in highway quality resulting from materials, mix design and/or supply? (Please limit your comments to 250 characters.)

Quality Level Appears To Be:

Construction Methods Improving
What are the contributors to the increase or decrease in highway quality resulting from construction methods? (Please limit your comments to 250 characters.)

Quality Level Appears To Be:

Maintenance Methods Improving
What are the contributors to the increase or decrease in highway quality resulting from maintenance methods? (Please limit your comments to 250 characters.)

Quality Level Appears To Be:

Workmanship Improving
What are the contributors to the increase or decrease in highway quality resulting from workmanship?  (Please limit your comments to 250 characters.)

Quality Level Appears To Be:

Quality Management (QA/QC) Improving
What are the contributors to the increase or decrease in highway quality resulting from quality management? (Please limit your comments to 250 characters.)

Quality Level Appears To Be:

Construction Schedules Improving
What are the contributors to the increase or decrease in highway quality resulting from construction schedules? (Please limit your comments to 250 characters.)

Quality Level Appears To Be:

Work Zones/Worker Safety Improving
What are the contributors to the increase or decrease in highway quality resulting from work zones/worker safety? (Please limit your comments to 250 characters.)

Quality Level Appears To Be:

Work Zones/Driver Safety


What are the contributors to the increase or decrease in highway quality resulting from work zones/driver safety? (Please limit your comments to 250 characters.)

Quality Level Appears To Be:

Public Information/Communications


What are the contributors to the increase or decrease in highway quality resulting from public information and communications? (Please limit your comments to 250 characters.) Q17B
Section 3. Completed Projects

Please rate the following statements relative to the quality of today's delivered highway projects. Consider the following scale in your evaluation:

1 = Strongly Agree       2 = Agree       3 = Neutral       4 = Disagree       5 = Strongly Disagree

1 2 3 4 5  
Design errors and omissions were not a significant cause of undesirable quality.
Construction deficiencies were not a significant cause of undesirable quality.
Deficiencies in materials were not a significant cause of undesirable quality.
Cost effective, innovative designs were used to meet/exceed project needs.
Projects were completed within or under budget.
Projects were completed on or ahead of schedule.
Projects had a minimal impact on the mobility of the traveling public.
Projects had optimum access for efficient/effective construction operations.
Projects met or exceeded contract specifications.
Projects had minimal impact on adjacent businesses and the local community.
Projects had minimal impact on the environment and historical features.

Please provide any additional comments you have to improve the quality of highways in the United States. (Please limit your comments to 250 characters.)


Please identify your role in the highway delivery process:
Executive/Staff Level Management
Design Consultant
Project Engineer
Construction Inspection
Traffic Engineering
Project Superintendent
Crew Foreman
Public Information

Other (Please Specify)  

I am affiliated with:
A State Agency
A Federal Agency
A Local Agency
A Construction Contractor Firm
An Engineering Design Firm
A Materials Supply Firm

I work primarily in the State of:
(Please enter your two-letter State abbreviation)

If you wish to provide additional information, please send by letter, fax or e-mail to:

Bob Templeton
Executive Director
National Partnership for Highway Quality
12009 W. highway 290 - Suite 4
Austin, TX 78737
512-301-9897 (Fax)

Thank you for completing our "Quality in the United States Highway Program" survey.

Thank you, please click "Submit".